Kingdom of Green

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Green Crystal Ball

Welcome to our "Kingdom of Green" website.  Whereas this website is both a learning tool & demonstration website, please utilize all content for entertainment purposes only.  For official information, please navigate to, for example, , or similar organizations.
Kingdom of Green, or Ko'G (pronounced cog) was founded by Dr. Green (as an educational / organizational tool and demonstration website).
  • "Kingdom of Green" is my personal demo' (demonstration) website which I published on the internet to introduce my personal organizational agenda.  This website will highlight important areas of my research, writing and humanitarian work. Even after leaving faculty posts I held at top research universities, I have often been asked about my thoughts or writings thus here I hope you will enjoy seeing examples of my research, e.g., articles, humanitarian resources, speeches, websites, etc.
  • Who knows, someday maybe this will grow into a business or corporation or think tank!  For now however this website is a convenient way for friends, associates, and new acquaintenances to view some of my work such as text for speeches, articles, etc.

We hope you'll find information you need on this demo website.  We look forward to working with you to make the world a better place.

We are a family Kingdom--an organization--not a company,
so family knows our address
chiefly in the USA.

Click to email Dr. Green,Ko'G

You are welcome to visit our Ko'G website! -- Best Wishes, Dr. Green

Disclaimer: These are demonstration websites as mentioned on the Home page.