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Aromatic Chemical Division

Fragrances & Supplies
Wholesale Only

Ko'G ACD manufactures many different quality fragrances under the "Parfum de Vert" label, our global fragrance wholesale distributor.  Parfum de Vert's certified "Gold Quality" fragrance is a long lasting approximation of designer original fragrances however without added alcohol.

Vials of 100% pure fragrance: Platinum Quality!
Custom manufactured to highly resemble fashionable designer fragrance!

Parfum de Vert fragrances

Platinum quality:  pure fragrance (no diluent added)
Gold quality:  25% fragrance
Silver quality:  20% fragrance
Pewter quality:  10% fragrance
Cologne:  5% fragrance
Body oil:  2.5% fragrance
Technical data:  percent by volume not by weight in selected diluent (no alcohol added).

Although our fragrances are suitable for manufacturing various other products such as candles, cleaning supplies, upholstery, etc., our wholesale distributor, Parfum de Vert, supplies:
  • pure fragrances;
  • prepared perfumes, colognes, body oils;
  • incense.

Disclaimer: These are demonstration websites as mentioned on the Home page.