Knight's of Wong Do, KO'G
HRH Dr. Green (King Don)
Knight, Emereri Order (E.O.) of KO'G
HRH Richard Bart Green (King Richard)
HRH Mark Anthony Green (King Mark)
HRH Jenae Marie Green (Princess Jenae)
Sir John F. Murphy, Jr., E.O. (Sir Jack)
Emereri (Latin, "to earn by service") Order
Current Staff (resident or non-resident) to King Don
Contact for details.
Wong Do Black Belt Certificate Recipients
Mark A. Green, 1st Dan, 29 JUL 1991 (6th Dan, 1 DEC 2001)
Jenae M. Green, 1st Dan, 29 JUL 1991 (6th Dan, 1 DEC 2001)
James L. Krider, 5th Dan, 1 DEC 2001
Richard Bart Green, 1st Dan, about 1992 (now 4th Dan)
Joseph L. Krider, 5th Dan, 10 MAY 2003
Joseph L. Krider, 1st Dan, 5 August 1991 (4th Dan, 20 SEPT 2001)
David Vance, 1st Dan, 29 July 1991 (now 3rd Dan)
Robert W. Nebel, 3rd Dan, 10 MAY 2003
Robert W. Nebel, 1st Dan, about 1997 (now 2nd Dan; separately, 2nd Dan, Tang Soo Do, Korean style; Philadelphia
World Championship 1991, Kata- 2nd Place).
Michael Allen Cubbage, 1st Dan, 12 AUG 1992
Marshall (Jeff) S. Jeffreys, 1st Dan, 1991 (deceased)
Lewis (Lew) Lerie, 1st Dan, 20 SEPT 2001
Roy Marge, 1st Dan, 20 SEPT 2001
John F. Murphy, Jr, 1st Dan, 20 SEPT 2001
Vince (Vinny) Wierzbicki, 1st Dan, 20 SEPT 2001
Sanae Kanematsu, 1st Dan, 1 JAN 2002
("unlisted on internet"), 1st Dan, 28 MAR 2002
David Smythe, 1st Dan (about 1997)
Roy H. Sweet, 1st Dan, 28 MAR 2002
Roxanne B. Warren, 1st Dan, 28 MAR 2002
John Williamson, 1st Dan, 27 DEC 2003
Honorably Discharged (including Masters teaching other styles)
D. Andre Green, 4th Dan (20 Sept. 2001)
D. Andre Green, 3rd Dan (about 1993)
D. Andre Green, 2nd Dan, Sept. 1992
D. Andre Green, 1st Dan, 15 July 1991
Sy Wexler, 1st Dan, 1991 (separately, 2nd Dan, Tang Soo Do, Korean style)
Crawley Berry, Jr. 1st Dan , 1991 (separately, 5th Dan, Korean style)
Dr. Green's Junior Co-Founder
Dr. Chang Pao Hsing, Ph.D. (Univ. of Pennsylvania), 1st Dan (separately 1st Dan, Kendo, and a Taiwan University
Champion, early 1980's.).
Policy: Founder's Dan rank is plus one relative to highest Wong Do Dan rank of any member.